Multi-day Deep Sea Sportfishing



Long Range Fishing Trips - San Diego

Multiday offshore sportfishing is the top trip we offer. These trips give you the time and range to explore MULTIPLE destinations. You can also go to the furthest spots out like the Tanner Bank and Cortez Bank, up to 100 miles offshore. You will enjoy unpressured fish schools that are eager to bite, and fish spots that are uncrowded and have prolific pelagic fishing.  All travel is done in the dark while you sleep, both out and back in. When you wake up in the morning you will be sitting on top of the BLUEFIN, YELLOWFIN, and DORADO.

The Multi-Day charter departs on any given night at around 9pm. After getting bait at the bait barge, your party will head to see. You will enjoy several hours with the boys drinking beer on the back deck under the moon, until its time to get some shut eye.

We wake you up about 4am, and feed you a hearty breakfast, then its time to go to work. Before you are even awake, we have been searching for sonar marks on the side scan sonar. Hopefully by now we have located a good sized school. Even though its dark, we can still find them. Drop down a heavy glow-in-the-dark flat fall jig and hope for a tuna!

Once the sun comes up we go on the move, and begin trolling, looking for patties, birds, foaming fish, anything that shows signs of life. Even dolphin pods can indicate the location of fish.

The advantage of the Multi-Day charter is that you get the sunset bite window and you dont have to go home at 2pm. This also allows us to go far south, letting you take advantage of early and late season fish. During the season, you also have the time to chase tuna at the Cortez Bank and the Tanner Banks, behind the San Clemente Islands.

Depending on the species that we spot, we can throw iron at them, or fly a kite at bluefin, or fish live bait. What ever seems to be working on that day.

As always, your fish will be cleaned and put on ice until the end of the trip. Be sure to bring a large ice chest to store your catch!

Coffee, Water, Soda, and Snacks all being included. This trip includes morning donuts and coffee and lunch and dinner! All hand made and fresh, Carne Asada, Chicken, or Fish, or by request. All of our private charter have your private group being taken care of by a Captain, and two crew. Price includes Fuel, Bait, Boat, Tackle, and Rod & Reel rentals.  The only thing NOT included is a fishing license and any alcoholic beverages you wish to bring with you. (Coolers are OK!) To make a reservation to join one of our open party charters, please call 619-508-7823.


Arguably the best fighting fish for its weight, and they can get up to 300 pounds each! Come early, leave late.

Although smaller than the Bluefin, this ferocious fish puts up a fight you will not soon forget. Summer is hot for this fish.

This is the big one. If you hook up on this you will be in the fight of your life. These fish way hundreds of pounds!

Use downriggers to send huge baits 100s of feet down in search of Swordfish!

Not technically a tuna, but in the same weight class, it  is known for the best taste.

The colorful skin of this fish is iridescent! It is also known for its high flying antics.